The Language of Learning: Communicating Delight and Empowering Children's Thinking


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The Language of Learning: Communicating Delight and Empowering Children's Thinking

About Course


Welcome to The Language of Learning: Communicating Delight and Empowering Children's Thinking, one of our courses that promotes ‘Active Learning’ within the statutory characteristics of effective teaching and learning in the EYFS (2021)

This course explores sustained shared thinking in a new light: considering children’s funds of knowledge and how we communicate our delight and enjoyment in understanding the active process of children’s learning.

Overview of the course

In this course you will explore three key areas:

  • Developing a pedagogy of listening
  • Promoting thinking and talking
  • Children's funds of knowledge

By the end of the course you will have:

  • developed an understanding of the three aspects to interacting effectively in children’s play
  • extended your insight into enquiry based learning approaches 
  • strengthened your knowledge of listening and how this supports the active learning process
  • deepened your view on children’s funds of knowledge and how this can help you to tailor your provision and curriculum

This course is delivered with bitesize presenter videos and short tasks. This course takes 1-2 hours to complete and you have lifetime access.

Important Note: When you purchase one of our courses or products without registering on the website first, you will be directed to the registration/login page upon successful payment. Please register/login to access and view the course(s) or product(s) you have purchased. All purchases can be found in the ‘profile’ area of our website under ‘my learnings’.

Course content

videoPresenter Video Start
videoTask 1: Conversations around a text Start
videoPresenter Video Start
videoTask 2: Create your own Chatterbox Start
videoPresenter Video Start
videoTask 3: Self-evaluation Start
videoOptional Task: Reading on Enquiry Based Learning Start
videoStarter Task: Listen to Luis Moll Start
videoPresenter Video Start
videoTask 4: Funds of Knowledge in action Start
videoMaterials to support continuous learning Start
videoSlides Start
Honest Childhood

Honest Childhood

Course Instructor
